The S&P and the Dow fell on Wednesday as financial stocks ended a seven-day rally with a sharp drop, but gains in technology stocks helped as investors continued to work on preparing their portfolios for a Donald Trump presidency.
Hong Kong stocks slipped in thin trading on Wednesday, with gains erased late in the day as financial shares dropped and real estate shares fell for a fourth straight day on fears of rising interest rates.
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Plan B : Below 22182, do nothing
Plan C : Attempt selling if market rebound but fails to breach above 22345
Plan D : Cut above 22465
Plan E : Consider buying if market holds resiliently above 22182 and rebound
Plan F : Cut below 22182
Market was seen consolidating for whole of yesterday's afternoon after falling from an intraday high of 1641. Losses in overnight Dow could prompt market to open slightly lower today but a successful hold above 1620 would see market continue its range trading today. Investors are reminded not to be bias at times like this and be open to both buying and selling, depending on where the market going to move.
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Plan B : Cut above 1634.5
Plan C : Consider buying if market test 1620-level and rebound
Plan D : Cut below 1617
FCPO experienced some sell-off towards the closing hour yesterday. Dalian and soybean oil are slightly strong while Ringgit weakened at RM4.36 against the USD.
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Plan B : Buy if market supported above 2844. Targets are 2861, 2873, 2884 and 2907. Only apply to morning session.
Plan C : Above 2907, no fresh position.
Plan D : Below 2844, no fresh position.
*Disclaimer: This information is intended to assist professional investors. News are credit courtesy of Reuters and CNBC. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest or to provide management services and is subject to correction, completion and amendment without notice.As with all investments, there are associated risks and you could lose money investing. Prior to making any investment, a prospective investor should consult with its own investment, accounting, legal and tax advisers to evaluate independently the risks, consequences and suitability of that investment.
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